Become the founder of your personal brand.

-Anton Briones, Founders First Aid

Own your narrative, or miss your opportunity.

By leveraging my expertise in digital media & entertainment with my experience as an entrepreneur & business leader, we can build a strategic narrative that drives your brand message and gets you in front of your ideal audiences.  

You are what you practice.

Industry secret— most everything you see is scripted, directed, & practiced. But you don’t have to do it the hard way. Together, we can build routines, systems, scripts, & strategies that work for you, your industry, & your schedule.

Our Services

  • Wherever you are on your performance journey, our one-on-one coaching provides you with personalized feedback and tailored strategies to become a voice of authority in your industry. Looking to nail that pitch, presentation, podcast, or public speaking event? Book an intro session.

  • Our consulting service offers expert insights and recommendations to organizations seeking to enhance their communication strategies with the latest digital trends and tools. We collaborate with businesses to identify strengths and areas for improvement, developing a comprehensive roadmap to elevate their organic growth across multiple media channels.

  • Interested in leveraging social media / newsletters to become a industry thought leader? Let’s work together to choose media channels that speak to your strengths as you create content native to where your audience lives.

  • Looking to collaborate on a something totally different? Custom content is the most effective way to build something incredibly unique, engaging and specifically tailored to your audience. Let’s partner together to create an unbelievably unique experience.

  • “Putting on a show”, is not only a great joy but an amazing opportunity to collaborate while creating a high-signal piece of content to be utilized across multiple channels. Check out the gallery below for imagery from some of our experiential events and activations.

“Anton not only helped reinforce my pitch, he reinforced my leadership.”

—Kelsey W. (CEO & Co-Founder, Aura Finance)

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Let’s work together!

Transforming your personal story into a strategic narrative starts with a quick intro.